Getting a credit card can sometimes feel almost impossible. The credit card not only represents a payment tool but also acts as a payment for a short-term loan from the issuing institution, being endowed with a credit limit. Many applicants can sometimes be considered at risk due to their negative financial history. However, there are some credit cards you can apply for to get you back on the path to financial success!
Without further ado, here are 5 of the most popular credit cards in Australia:
1) Citi Clear Platinum Credit Card
The Australian Citi Clear Platinum Credit Card is an incredibly popular option. It is perfect for those who aim to handle their debt in a more conscious way. While the first year generally has no annual fee, after the first year of use, you will have to pay $99 annual fee. But what you get for that annual fee can pay off in volumes! This card offers additional savings and no balance transfer fee. According to the bank’s eligibility criteria, you have the option to transfer balances from other loans, store cards, and credit cards.
2) Horizon Credit Union Visa Card
If your goal is to save on daily spendings but you have credit card debt, the Horizon Bank Visa Credit Card can be a good option for you. They don’t ask for an annual fee and offer a special interest rate of 4.99% p.a. for cardholders on balance transfers and purchases for the first 5 months. This card is eligible with Apple Pay, payWave, Samsung Pay and Google Pay. What is really outstanding about this card is that you can own this card without having to pay anything if you maintain your interests at zero. It has another great advantage. If you decide to choose this card, you will become part of a mutual which implies that you can save more due the offered lower rates.
3) ANZ First Credit Card
If we have to summarize the best features of the ANZ First Credit Card, we can use the bank’s own description: “A simple everyday credit card with a low ongoing annual fee”. Its annual account fee is only $30. Even though there are credit card options that offer no annual fee, the ANZ First Credit Card gives you some amazing pluses. If you apply for this card, you will automatically receive complimentary Purchase Protection Insurance and Extended Warranty Insurance on your purchases. They offer 20.24% p.a. interest rate on purchases, cash advances and standard balance transfers. Their interest-free period on purchases is up to 55 days.
4) Virgin Australia Velocity Flyer Card
The Virgin Australia Velocity Flyer Card offers half annual fee in the first year, that is $64. After the first period, they revert to $129. This fee seems higher compared to its competitors, however, this card can be a good option for travelers. It offers an Exclusive $129 Virgin Australia Gift Voucher, each year that you can use for booking Virgin Australia Holidays packages and Virgin Australia flights. They give you complimentary transit accident insurance as well. You also earn Uncapped Velocity Points and three additional bonus Velocity Points per $1 on your daily purchases in the first three months. They ask no balance transfer rate with a 1% balance transfer charge for 22 months.
5) Discover it® Secured
You can build your credit greatly with the three main credit authorities if you choose Discover it® Secured credit card because it is a real credit card. They offer no annual fee while you can earn unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases while up to $1,000 cash back at restaurants and 2% at gas stations. Let’s see what about the costs! They ask 24.74% variable for regular APR that can vary with the market based on the Prime Rate and 10.99% for 6 months for Intro Balance Transfers APR. If you pay your whole balance by the due date, they don’t charge any interest on purchases.
Now that you have a better idea of some of the most popular options available, you’re all set to choose the best card for you! However, it’s always best to remember to do your own research before making a final decision. A credit card is a financial tool, so we recommend always being aware of the risks and benefits, as well as any potential black market scam offers.