Do you have bad credit? You may have had difficulty applying for a new credit card, getting a car loan, or trying to lease an apartment or a house. But do not despair! There are credit cards available to you in New Zealand created specifically for people with negative financial history. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of our top five choices for credit cards to apply for when you have bad credit. Inform yourself on the best credit cards for you, and take the first step toward a better credit score today!
Having bad credit can sometimes make you feel stuck, and add a lot of stress to your life on a daily basis. But if you are looking for a solution, some credit cards are designed with people like you in mind! These credit cards are made with the purpose of helping you create a better credit score over time, and slowly raise your limit.
1. ASB Visa Light
Are you searching for your first credit card, or, do you have credit history that might not be the best? The ASB Visa Light could be the right fit. You’ll love the $0 annual fee, and the card also boasts a 55 day interest free period. The interest rate on this card is 13.50%. The Visa Light starts with a low credit limit of $1000, making it easier for people with credit score issues to apply successfully. It also offers a 0% balance transfer fee for those looking to consolidate their debt onto one card. Overall, the ASB Visa Light is a great card for those without credit history, or those looking to rebuild it. [1]
2. Kiwi Bank Zero Visa
Next on the list is the Kiwi Bank Zero Visa, another card with low limits good for first time cardholders or those rehabilitating their credit score. This card also has a 0$ annual fee, with an interest rate of 13.95%. This cards limits can start as low as $500, great for those trying to minimize their debt. The card has a 55 day interest free period, and a low cash advance fee of only $0.90. The introductory balance transfer rate is 1.99%, meaning if you need to immediately transfer debt, the additional cost is relatively minimal. Kiwi Bank also offers same day approval. [2]
3. SBS Visa
The SBS Visa is another great option. This card also includes no annual fee, with a slightly higher interest rate than the cards listed previously at 18.50%. This card has a higher minimum limit of $1500, allowing you to have more flexibility month to month financially, and have a bigger safety net in the face of unexpected expenses. The foreign currency conversion on this card is impressively low at only 2%, making using the card internationally a breeze. This card also features immediate approval and 24 hour dispatch. The SBS Visa is definitely worth considering while trying to rebuild your credit. [3]
4. American Express Airpoints Card
The Airpoints Card features an introductory interest rate of 0% for the first six months. You read that right, 0%! This interest free period is great for those getting comfortable making a monthly payment. After the initial 6 month period, the interest rate rises to 19.95%. The late payment fee is a bit steeper on this card at $25, however the card does feature a low minimum payment of $10, or 3% of the balance overall. 50 bonus Airpoint Dollars (equivalent to cash back) are available when you make $750 of transactions in the first three months. The card’s cash advance fee is also low at only $2. This card is a great fit for those looking for a chance to rebuild their credit score and enjoy a period of 0 interest. [4]
5. BNZ Lite Visa
The Bank of New Zealand Lite Visa is a great choice for those looking to rehabilitate and to rebuild their credit. The card’s annual fee is $30, but it has a low interest rate of 13.45%. With limits as low as $500 and as high 15,000, this card is flexible and suitable for anyone, and allows you to grow your limit as you rebuild your credit score. BNZ also allows for 0 interest balance transfers for the first 12 months, the best of any card on this list! This allows the user to take advantage and consolidate debt from old cards, without having to pay additional fees or interest. The cash advance rate on the Lite Visa is great at $2. Additionally, the foreign currency conversion rate is also competitive at only 2.25%. Approval is available immediately online through the Bank of New Zealand website! [5]