One of the leading causes of death recently is a surprisingly common disease known as Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Although this disease has a high prevalence, many people are not familiar with what COPD is. Mild symptoms characterize the condition, that can gradually worsen over time; taking years to develop fully.

Patients can go for years without realizing they suffer from this condition. In 2014. 15.7 million people in the US were diagnosed with this disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [1] More than half of the diagnosed patients were surprised by the results and had no idea they were suffering from COPD. If you are wondering whether this condition may inflict you, these facts may help you familiarize yourself with early signs of COPD.
Causes and Symptoms of COPD
COPD involves various chronic breathing disorders, like asthma or chronic bronchitis, which demonstrates itself in the form of severe respiratory congestion. According to research, the leading cause of COPD seems to be smoking and environmental issues related to polluted air.
One of the problems preventing an adequate diagnosis of COPD is that it is often confused for many respiratory diseases. Mild symptoms can appear in the early stages of development and can easily be misinterpreted by medical professionals.
The Center for disease control [2] lists several symptoms that may indicate that you are suffering from COPD, which may include a feeling of tightness in your chest, constant coughing, respiratory infections that occur regularly, a large amount of mucus present in the throat and wheezing during intense physical activities. These symptoms are easily misinterpreted as asthma or a common cold, which is why they usually go unnoticed by medical professionals until they fully develop.
Cause for Concern
Symptoms of COPD worsen over time, due to its chronic nature. What may start as a cold can gradually develop into severe respiratory issues. As the disease progresses body weight may decline, and you might experience heavy breathing depending on the different positions you find yourself in, even during short periods of physical activity. Another common symptom includes a general sense of fatigue due to a lack of oxygen. Due to oxygen deprivation, your nail beds and lips may appear to be a bluish color.
Dealing with COPD
If you are eventually determined to have COPD, your doctor will talk about the diverse treatment alternatives for COPD.
One approach to control COPD is with prescription, for example, bronchodilators, that help loosen up your muscles to open your aviation routes so you can inhale simpler. Oxygen treatment, recovery, and medical procedures are additional alternatives for COPD victims. In spite of the fact that cough syrup is some of the time suggested as a treatment for COPD, it is anything but a viable one. All things considered, you should see a specialist to locate the best treatment for you.
Once you are aware of the COPD symptoms, it is vital to halt their progression by getting it diagnosed while in its early stages. With the right treatment, the symptoms of this disease can be managed, allowing the affected to lead a normal life.