Want to feel the burn from exercise routines without burning a hole in the wallet? Skip the trip to the gym and avoid spending hundreds of dollars to work out on unsanitary, outdated exercise machines. Statistics presented by USA Today show that 67 percent of gym memberships go unused¹, so even if the idea of going to the gym is there, most people aren’t getting their money’s worth anyway. Instead, it’s better to invest in quality gym equipment for their home. Gym equipment at home is cleaner, more convenient, better cared for, and will spare money over time because it lasts for years. In other words, investing in home gym equipment will help one maintain both their figure and finances.

Gym Memberships are Obsolete
The truth is that the equipment and facilities are often out of date at fitness centers, meaning that all of the money put into membership is probably not being put to the maximum use. It’s also very expensive to have a gym membership, although gyms often try to deceive their clients in a number of ways. One method they use to keep clients’ minds off the price is to break up their pricey annual fee into what seems to be small monthly or bi-weekly payments. They also often give trial periods where the first few months of the gym membership are a reasonable price, then, once the trial period is over, they hike up the price to an exorbitant amount. Gym membership prices also tend to rise every couple of years, so one should keep an eye on their bill.
There are also other causes for concern at gyms besides the price. Hygiene, for example, is a big concern at gyms. Gym facilities are germ magnets. As stated in a Business Insider article, 70 percent of the bacteria found on exercise bikes, treadmills, and loose weights in gyms are harmful.2 Besides, gyms at popular locations tend to be overcrowded at certain times of the day. When one works out on their own gym equipment at home, they don’t have to waste their time waiting to use a particular exercise machine, and they’ll know out exactly who used their equipment last and when it was last properly cleaned.
It’s easy to track exercise progress and physical parameters using a smartphone. Personal trainers are no longer needed to achieve the greatest workout results, so why bother with a gym membership when there is an option to do everything from the ease and comfort of home?
Gym Equipment has Never Been More Affordable
It’s easy to find affordable quality exercise equipment online. Prices range from a little over $200 for a strength-training machine to $500 for a treadmill. But one can also opt for a branded workout bench that comes with a price of a bit over $100 and provides hundreds of workout options. Home gym equipment can last a long time, so one can safely forgo their annual gym membership and invest in some quality gear. With the proper maintenance, gym equipment can have a lifespan of over seven years, even with regular use.
In addition to saving money on gym membership fees, one will also spare valuable time and money. Rather than work up the motivation to travel the distance to local gym facilities, all one has to do is motivate themselves to get to their living room. Exercising at home is more convenient and allows one to plan their workout schedule more efficiently. In case of lack of space to store large gym equipment, one can always purchase a set of weights that can be easily stored in any closet or corner of the apartment.
Research conducted by Livestrong shows that many stores give the lowest prices on exercise gear in the spring and at the start of summer.³
Look Into Used Gym Equipment
One doesn’t always have to purchase new. To get their money’s worth, it is advisable to consider purchasing used equipment. We recommend skipping garage disposals. The safest bet is to purchase gear online from a reliable vendor. Items sold online usually have issued warranties. Always remember to inspect the state of the equipment before making a purchase.
Summing it up
Gym memberships are not the key to staying fit. Investing in home gym equipment can motivate one to work out more often and develop a healthy routine. Evaluate options by looking into reviews and choosing the finest bang for the buck.
[1] Alyssa Oursler. “Is your gym membership a good investment?” USA Today. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/personalfinance/2016/04/27/your-gym-membership-good-investment/82758866/
[2] Rosie Fitzmaurice. “Some gym equipment harbours more germs than a toilet seat, a study has found — here are the worst offenders.” Business Insider. https://www.businessinsider.com/how-hygienic-is-communal-gym-equipment-2017-11
[3] Kay Ireland. “The Best Times to Buy Exercise Equipment.” Livestrong. https://www.livestrong.com/article/395568-when-is-best-time-to-buy-exercise-equipment/