13 Stepmothers So Evil They Ended Up In JAIL!
Everyone knows that being a stepmother can be hard. It’s never easy to integrate into a new family and earn the trust of your new children. However, these infamous stepmothers went completely in the other direction.
You won’t believe what these 13 stepmothers did!

1)Tracey Wright
This evil stepmother’s abuse is far from a fairytale. After beating her own stepdaughter, then starving the child to death, thirty-one year old Tracey Wright was sentenced to fifteen years in prison.

2) Tonya Schmidt
After burning her six-year-old stepdaughter’s hands, this Pennsylvania stepmom was finally caught and brought to prison. When the authorities started investigating, it became clear that this had been going on for at least the past three years.

3) Heather Leavell-Keaton
This stepmother worked with the father of her stepchildren to abuse, torture and murder them. At just five and three years old, these kids had hot candle wax poured on them, were burned with cigarettes and poisoned with antifreeze. Their lives came to a tragic end after Heather choked them to death.

4) Shaquila L. Byrd
When this thirty-five year old’s stepson showed up at school covered in burns and bruises and looking half-starved, her game was up. When questioned in court, she admitted to hitting the boy with a belt, making him do push-ups as a punishment and locking him in his room from when he came home from school to when he left the next day. Shaquila eventually ended up pleading guilty in court, but for her five-year-old stepson, the damage was already done.

5) Jessica Ann Cox
Finally arrested in 2013, this thirty-nine year old abused her teenage stepsons beyond belief. The boys stated in court that she would beat them with rolling pins and mallets, burn them with cigarettes, handcuff them, torture them and force them to bath naked in bathtubs full of ice cubes and cold water. She ruled over them with a reign of terror before finally being stopped

6) Misty Stoddard
This stepmother is especially wicked. Her eleven-year old autistic stepdaughter was found dead one day, from brain damage caused by a lack of oxygen. It turned out that Misty had tied her stepdaughter to a wooden plank and duct-taped her mouth closed, allegedly to ‘protect’ her.

7) Monique Dillard-Bothuell
Charlie Bothuell woke up one morning and thought his son was missing. Guess what had really happened? His wife Monique had locked the kid in the basement. Over the course of a court case, it came out that Monique had starved the child, forced him through a gruelling exercise regime and committed countless other abuses.

8) Danielle Miller
This stepmother could come straight out of Cinderella. Hating her stepson because he wasn’t her biological child, she fed him laxatives and hot sauce, forced him to wear soiled pull-ups and bound his legs with tape while she took her biological children out to play. Thankfully, she’s now finally facing trial.

9) Melinda Drabek-Chritton
This stepmother’s abuse is terrifying. When her teenage stepdaughter finally escaped, she reported that Melinda had kept her confined to the basement, and installed an alarm and motion sensor to keep her from escaping. She was sexually assaulted, beaten, denied food and forced to eat her own feces.

10) Catherine Lowe
One morning in 2011, Catherine’s young stepdaughter woke up sick. Instead of sending her to school, Catherine brought the child to work with her. But as the child slowly turned pale blue, it became clear that this was more than a stomach bug. The child ended up dying of what turned out to be internal injuries that bled into the rest of the body. And Catherine was the one who’d injured her.

11) Sueanne Hobson
When thirteen-year-old Chris Hobson was reported missing from his home, authorities knew there was something wrong. It turned out that his stepmother, Sueanne, had gotten the whole family involved in his murder. First, she tried to poison his ice-cream. When that didn’t work, she forced his stepbrother and friend to kill him, saying she wanted him gone before Christmas so she wouldn’t have to buy him presents.

12) Heather Jones
When seven-year-old Aidan Jones went missing for months, authorities learned the horrifying truth. His stepmother Heather had abused and neglected him constantly, and then finally fed him to the pigs in the family barn. Heather was sentenced to life in prison, but by then it was too late. A few gruesome remains were all that was left of the little boy.

13) Renee King
This stepmother called 911 to say her stepdaughter was unconscious. When first responders arrived, they found something much worse. The child had died two hours beforehand, with at least twenty blows to the head and a penetrating injury to her vagina. When Renee was put on trial, she revealed she would repeatedly get upset and angry with the child. Renee was sentenced to life in prison.

13 Stepmothers So Evil They Ended Up In JAIL!